MelissaTweets Melissa Clouthier
What I find astonishing is that liberals think we can continue on this insane financial path.

July 29, 2011     5 retweets #

gone2012 Mike Houghton
@MelissaTweets i find it astonishing that a liberal can thing

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@MelissaTweets What path is that? Keep taxes low for millionaires and billionaires?

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
The rich already pay most of the taxes while the poor pay none. In fact 42% pay no federal income taxes RT @bluetexanfdl @MelissaTweets

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets Yes, the poor have it so damn easy in this country.

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
Yes taxing the people MORE who can produce jobs is great idea. Take economics 101 @bluetexanfdl @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets After 10 years, still waiting for the Bush tax cuts to produce all those jobs.

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
FACT: 5.26% average unemployment under Bush 9.35% average under Obama ok your next lie? RT @bluetexanfdl @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets How many jobs did Bush create over 8 years? Let's hear it.

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
Do you own damn homework RT @bluetexanfdl @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets I have. The answer is: fewer than any president in 60 years.

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
As soon as you produce any budget from any other pres who even approached $1.6 trillion Deficit RT @bluetexanfdl @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets Bush/Cheneynomics--worst job record of any admin. since WWII.

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
Except the Obama administration .... next lie? @bluetexanfdl @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

bluetexanfdl Blue Texan
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets Lie? Obama has not served a full term?

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
So when does the rate start going DOWN then? @bluetexanfdl @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

TheFumingLib The Fuming Liberal
@Kevinbsnyder @melissatweets Economics 101? You fucking rubes can barely spell the word. Leave the fucking country, traitors.

July 29, 2011 #

Kevinbsnyder Kevin B Snyder
Fuck you asshole Blocked >>> @TheFumingLib <<< @melissatweets

July 29, 2011 #

jcmthe4th Todd M
@MelissaTweets Liberals don't think what they do is wrong, they just feel they haven't done enought of it yet. Don't hire libs for analysis.

July 29, 2011 #

carterbenes Carter Benes
@MelissaTweets because the outcome is more reliance on government and more power for politicians. It's exactly what they want n

July 29, 2011 #

Zander_SIG Zander Thomas
@MelissaTweets They know we can't, they wana crash the system (Cloward and Piven)!

July 29, 2011 #

GeordiegirlUK Andrea K Robson
@MelissaTweets The Democrats don't care. They are addicted to Spending, that is all they care about, that and their golf game!

July 29, 2011 #