anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur I refuse to give you an exclusive interview, stop asking for them. Stop sending interns from the Guardian to hit me up on IRC
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur If you do not know what SCADA is, then it is time the Guradian stripped you of your "Technology editor" title.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Sorry to disappoint you but I refer to Siemens systems and controllers. I think you need to get your skills up.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur If I had control of SCADA systems, you don't see the obvious issues with me having control of it? Are you dense?
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur No offense mate, but you're not managing the "interview" thing either. Truth is, you're more clueless now than before.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur I haven't googled "Free Our Data" because I vaguely remember how useless it is and how you've literally done nothing.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur As "Technology editor" you should TECHNICALLY know exactly what accomplishments / changes LulzSec/anonymous/antisec has done
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur So again, you rather ME do YOUR job? I mean, isn't that professionally and emotionally embarrassing for you to admit?
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur I'm not angry, son. I'm disappointed with you. I am disappointed that the Guardian has given a voice to a complete charlatan.
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu why would it be emotionally embarrassing to ask someone what they’ve done? That’s a foundation of journalism. I’m asking you.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Why would it not be? I mean its clear as day to everyone else the moment we breached The Sun your EMOTIONS were involved.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur I did, and you got them wrong sadly. You have no concept of technology, security, or the political movement that is Anonymous
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur 1) Before the article was published you were on twitter like UGGH THE SUN HACKED. OMG SO MEAN. OK I JUST SENT IN 400 WORDS !!
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu I didn’t think it was “mean” to hack the Sun. I thought the article you created was childish. Didn’t stop me writing story.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur 2) You have no understanding of how the breach occurred. You fabricated a story. You no longer have any self-respect.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Again, This is where you prove to the public that you're not a journalist. You're a op-ed writer. I'm not Topiary.
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu how exactly are you going to prove that you aren’t Topiary, when you use his phrases, and tweet in his timezone?
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur You're starting to sound like some Alex Jones forum user. Next thing you'll say is I work for the CIA and I'm a blackop.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Really, so why were you privately trying to get your 400 letter op-ed piece published before their front page cover?
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu *patiently waits for twitpic of ANYTHING from US east coast. Knows it isn’t going to happen from European tweeter.*
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur You keep assuming I'm from the east coast. Want to know why? because you were trolled into thinking I was. So next question:
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Why would I expose my identity to prove who I am to you? a common charlatan? I don't even think The Onion could hire you..
Chem2006Rigby Wilson
@anonymouSabu @charlesarthur Danger of sabu developing a pompous ego that destroys validity of his quest & leave him same morals as the Sun
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur @xxxiCEYxxx Wait, did you just... publicly expose yourself as being HOMOPHOBIC? Holy shit. Charles you're downhill mate.
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu no, but I find the teen lingo among hackers, where homosexuality is equated to weakness, intriguing, since it’s so foolish.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur So heres what I got out of my interview so far: You're clueless about technology, You're clueless about me, You're homophobic
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur You're desperate for any sort of interview, you've had half a dozen interns (or yourself posing as girls) message me
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Again, you need to seriously stop hanging off of Topiary's balls. Because he and I handle ourselves very differently
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur He'll expose you for the lulz, I exposed you for the community. And its clear to everyone know how shady you are.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur So if you werent involved with the W/L project why did you just tweet about it a few minutes ago? You can't comment on it now
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur What kind of "journalist" are you if you don't even know what's going on in your own house? Research and get back to me.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur So then, you're admitting you yourself are not part of the media? Thus you are not a journalist. What are you then?
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu I mean that within the Guardian’s wide-ranging system, Wikileaks is categorised as “Media”. Hacking is “Technology”. etc.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur What are you doing writing technology pieces anyway? I mean, You do not even know how we breached The Sun yet it is public...
occupantherNiall Clancy
@charlesarthur: @anonymouSabu there's a stench of moral high ground a-comin from your Guardian ivory towered tweets Charles .. me no likey
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur @occupanther You're not interviewing, anyone, honestly. I'm interviewing you and doing a great job. In fact I got a surprise.
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu Here’s the irony. I don’t dislike you, and I’m very interested in hearing your views. I’d like to open a channel with you.
charlesarthurCharles Arthur
@anonymouSabu the more information I have from your side, the better I can report. If you won’t communicate, I can’t report it as well.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur All the information about everything we do is _public_. If you can not INVESTIGATE then you need another career ole chap.
@charlesarthur @anonymouSabu obvious answer, maybe they intend to use the same technique on other targets? The Guardian maybe. or you?
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur And to prove your desperation even further you publicly expose yourself as a charlatan and dare I say.. twat.. for the chance
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur How does it feel to know you have a massive amount of people literally watching me exposing you with every tweet? Sweating?
Chem2006Rigby Wilson
@anonymouSabu @charlesarthur Sabu, an ego trip or freedom campaign? You need to convince people it's not the former after this exchange.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur 2.a) Notice how you were quick to get your name out there. Trying to get your article published ASAP. Sorry, Gizmodo beat you
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur It's kind of like: you were acting out in retaliation that your gossip-queen pseudo-journalist colleagues got owned.
anonymouSabuThe Real Sabu
@charlesarthur Nope? Not really? Are you fucking 14 years old? Put your baldness to use, prove some creativity in your responses.
@charlesarthur @anonymouSabu what does it matter who Sabu is anyway. He is Anonymous, thus your interview is with Anonymous