steven_moffat Steven Moffat
@gash67 Yes, but not for a week, when we get the proper ratings. And iPlayer (where we're huge) doesn't get added.

April 24, 2011 #

Yeloop Robert P
@steven_moffat I am not one for hyperbole but I reckon 84 million watched it. The rest taped it.

April 24, 2011 #

LittleMissMoo Teresa
@steven_moffat It's such a shame iPlayer doesn't get added, I know I've already re-watched twice! Great opener, thanks again.

April 24, 2011 #

Krosenthal88 Katie Rosenthal
@steven_moffat Please RT & sign to condemn the brutal murder of #LGBT activist David Kato

April 24, 2011 #

lewisking Lewis King
@steven_moffat I know for a fact I'm watching it for a 4th time now, and many people are watching on iPlayer due to the weather.

April 24, 2011 #