maradydd Meredith L Patterson
Hey @nickm_tor (and everyone else), @maymaym wrote a very detailed piece on setting up Tor on OS X.…

February 21, 2013     4 retweets #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maradydd @maymaym Cool! I hope to check it out soon! Generally I'm a little nervous about "redirect all traffic through Tor"...

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maradydd @maymaym ...but if the right warnings are there (i.e., about protocol-related leaks), it's not so bad.

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maradydd @maymaym I hope it has some good ideas about circuit isolation too. That's tricky to get right when doing many apps at once

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor No, its audience is ppl w/o prior knowledge. But I'd like to improve it, if I can. Have recommended reading for me? /cc @maradydd

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym @maradydd Check out the manual options for Isolate* on the SocksPort option. Proposal 171 has more background too, but is outdated

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor Thanks, I will! :) /cc @maradydd

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor So, if I grok, it'd be better to add more `SOCKSPort … IsolateDestPort`options in `torrc` & point OSX/browser/etc. to diff ports?

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym I think multiple SOCKSPorts is key; IsolateDestPort is mostly pointless for many apps. (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS).

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor Ah, okay. Then adding a step (or a sidebar) to my howto for multiple `SOCKSPort`s in torrc seems like the thing to do. Thank you!

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor I notice trying to write multiple `SocksPort` lines in TBB's only actually writes the last one to torrc. Seems a bug?

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym Sounds like it could be one! I don't suppose you want to hack a little C++, do you? Vidalia is undermaintained ATM :(

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor My off-the-cuff guess is that… is the bug. The &key is const, but…why?

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym I'm not sure exactly; it's normal for the key& to be const if the function isn't supposed to actually change the key in its caller…

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym …but I've not actually traced my way through that code. SOCKSPort used to be an only-once option FWIW.

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor Yeah. That's why I'm guessing this is the bug but it's really a shot in the dark since this is my first time tracing C++ code! :)

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym Failing that, there are some efforts to replace Vidalia, but I haven't tried any of them yet; they could be fun to play around with

February 21, 2013 #

nickm_tor Nick Mathewson
@maymaym Of course, there's the bugtracker too FWIW

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@nickm_tor Yeah, I think I'll file a bug. I don't actually know C++, so I'm not sure I'm the best person for this job. But I'll have a look.

February 21, 2013 #

maymaym maymaym
@maradydd Thanks! :) I recently fielded a lot of questions from interested muggles, so I hope I'm serving a need w/that post. /cc @nickm_tor

February 21, 2013 #