BuzzFeedBenBen Smith
@lachlan It's a myth that it was all small donors — they also had a massive traditional program. But they did raise a ton of $ online..
BuzzFeedBenBen Smith
@lachlan It's confusing in part because they often got people up to $200 or $500 or $1000 in small chunks, which I guess I'm including….
michi83Michi I.
@BuzzFeedBen @lachlan as is Romney, 94% of the July donors are $250 or less contributions, as reported from the July FEC filing out today.
lachlanLachlan Markay
@BuzzFeedBen Right. That study measured donors' total contributions rather than each individual contribution. More relevant, IMO.
BuzzFeedBenBen Smith
@lachlan Well, my item was about how he extracted money from people. A lot was via those emails, including ppl who added up to hundreds of $