BrendanNyhan Brendan Nyhan
Note: Abramowitz model has new polarization var Difficult tradeoff - want to improve model, but danger of overfitting

July 12, 2012     5 retweets #

MattDabrowski Matt Dabrowski
@BrendanNyhan I know he's writing for the popular audience, but I'd love to see some model fit. R^2, P values, anything. He released coeffs.

July 12, 2012 #

DrewLinzer Drew Linzer
@MattDabrowski @BrendanNyhan It's pretty easy to recreate his dataset. What you'll want to look at is the residual plot.

July 12, 2012     1 retweets #

MattDabrowski Matt Dabrowski
@DrewLinzer @BrendanNyhan All the better to know if a model is full of crap just by a glance.

July 12, 2012 #

kwcollins Kevin Collins
@BrendanNyhan Calling it a polarization variable is a bit misleading; isn't it just an indicator for 1996 and afterwards?

July 12, 2012 #

BrendanNyhan Brendan Nyhan
@kwcollins No, see footnote (**) - includes a condition for net approval

July 12, 2012 #

kwcollins Kevin Collins
@BrendanNyhan Ah, I see. Still looks fishy. Clinton had net pos approval in 2000 (right?), so variable takes value of -1 only in 2008?

July 12, 2012 #

jbplainblog Jonathan Bernstein
@kwcollins @BrendanNyhan Sure looks like that. I'm not thrilled.

July 12, 2012 #