Herring1967 Richard Herring
Louis CK is fucking awesome - tinyurl.com/cg4m2qc

June 26, 2012     30 retweets #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 Is that sarcasm?

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark nope -fantastic work on downloads and tickets

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 Vile jokes about Sarah Palin's downs syndrome son.

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark haven't heard them - thought that was Stanhope

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 and Louis CK

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark well I was applauding his attitude to fans - he's a sharp and clever guy who generally uses offence in the right way I think.

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 here on Opie and Anthony openly mocking a learning disabled boy talking about how retard makes him feel nickyclark.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/life-u…

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark as that's two hours long I can't really listen, but it seems to be a show where they are pushing each other to be offensive.

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 Thats why I give the timing to the minute and the second that he makes the comments. They call him a retard just FYI.

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark that'd be like me saying you can't like Derek cos of other comments by Gervais wouldn't it?

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 not at all.

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark you know how I feel about that stuff. But I think gentle persuasion rather than blanket indignation is the way forward

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 Really? I see. Thanks again for the education on the issue. best Nik

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark if someone is doing something positive it is a bit churlish to then say "Yeah, but they fucked up here"

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 You're aware of the glaring holes in your theory there Louis CK was blatantly laughing at LD man But I'm the one in the wrong?

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark I haven't heard the bit nicky and you how is it different to RG saying "mong" and you being able to enjoy his other stuff

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 I sent it so you could listen up to you but given your public stance I thought you should know was all.

June 26, 2012 #

Herring1967 Richard Herring
@mrsnickyclark hitler moustache uses racist language to expose racism. it's not just about not saying words. Comedy is deeper than that

June 26, 2012 #

mrsnickyclark nicky clark
@Herring1967 Very basic to me you appreciate CK as a fellow performer who addresses ticket issues I approach as hate crime campaigner.

June 26, 2012 #