jay_jaffe Jay Jaffe
hey, @jonmorosi, the idea that a team can "win" a trade after 3 weeks when all four players have 5+ years of club control is just asinnine

April 25, 2012     4 retweets #

SeanMMcNally Sean McNally
@jay_jaffe #Needs #More #hashtags

April 25, 2012 #

BillPetti Bill Petti
@jay_jaffe @jonmorosi we generally need to stop talking about teams "winning" trades, especially if the teams aren't division rivals

April 25, 2012 #

Ben_Duronio Ben Duronio
@jay_jaffe @jonmorosi also, Campos has 23 K/5 BB in A ball.

April 25, 2012 #

jonmorosi Jon Morosi
@jay_jaffe I absolutely agree. Note the tense: winning, not won. The Mariners are winning the deal right now.

April 25, 2012 #

jay_jaffe Jay Jaffe
@jonmorosi slapping a "winning" label when teams have used 2% of club control span no better than reporting election results w/ 2% precincts

April 25, 2012 #