boblet Oli Studholme
Yo pplz, what website blew your mind in its use of HTML5 this year? I’m writing a 2011 wrapup article—hit me with your best shot! #html5

December 1, 2011 #

necolas Nicolas Gallagher
@boblet Oops, will get around to it! Git stuff: we're using this on MWF to automate the double push when needed…

December 1, 2011 #

boblet Oli Studholme
@necolas using force would overwrite changes if your local repo was behind tho, right? seems fine for 1-person projects tho

December 2, 2011 #

necolas Nicolas Gallagher
@boblet Yeah, it would - and happened a couple of times on MWF when people pushed the wrong branch to gh-pages - but easy to correct

December 2, 2011 #

necolas Nicolas Gallagher
@boblet Using the .sh script helps push the right local branch. Prefer keeping both branches on GitHub to code swap without affecting live.

December 2, 2011 #