poritsky Jonathan Poritsky
I'm ready to try to make this work. @5tu & @ttscoff Can we get Marked to process Screenplay Markdown via ScreenPlain? github.com/vilcans/screen…

November 5, 2011 #

ttscoff Brett Terpstra
@poritsky @5tu yes. I'll take a look at setting up a custom processor, but might also consider building it in (along with Textile).

November 5, 2011 #

poritsky Jonathan Poritsky
@ttscoff @5tu Wow, king among men. I was trying to do the custom proc. myself. I guess just pasting the git URL doesn't do it… #noob

November 5, 2011 #

ttscoff Brett Terpstra
@poritsky @5tu ok, I'm daft about Python. How do I run this? github.com/vilcans/screen…

November 5, 2011 #

poritsky Jonathan Poritsky
@ttscoff @5tu I've used the online tool. Haven't figured out the command line yet. screenplain.appspot.com

November 5, 2011 #