bradvaughan Brad Vaughan
RT @randybias: @brianflannery @bradvaughan last Q AWS Other rev line was 320M. < cobranded credit cards is a great business :)

October 21, 2011 #

randybias Randy Bias
@bradvaughan @brianflannery take a look at their amortized infrastructure costs. They have been pouring 100s of M into this.

October 22, 2011 #

randybias Randy Bias
@bradvaughan @brianflannery cobranded credit cards don't need that kind of infra and neither does

October 22, 2011 #

randybias Randy Bias
@bradvaughan @brianflannery Plus we have interviewed AWS folks. It's going gangbusters over there, I assure you.

October 22, 2011 #

brianflannery Brian Flannery
@randybias @bradvaughan I'm with Eucalyptus. I talk to many, many Fortune 5000s with cloud initiatives and have very deep talks (cont..)

October 22, 2011 #

brianflannery Brian Flannery
@randybias @bradvaughan I have spoke to 15/20 companies that spend in excess of $4M a year on AWS. More like that out there. Do the math.

October 22, 2011     2 retweets #

somic Dmitriy Samovskiy
@brianflannery @randybias - 4M a year on AWS sounds quite high. have no knowledge to refute though. maybe it includes 3yr reserves...

October 22, 2011 #

brianflannery Brian Flannery
@somic @randybiasif not really. Think of VM Sprawl, and what that does to your cost over time if you use AWS. Great profit center for them.

October 22, 2011 #

brianflannery Brian Flannery
@somic @randybias Their customers include Netflix, LindenLabs, Scribd, Yelp (and more not public customers). Operate at mindbogling scale

October 22, 2011 #

bradvaughan Brad Vaughan
@randybias @brianflannery are enteprises, new or existing the true payoff yet to be realised..

October 22, 2011 #