gerriesmits Gerrie Smits
@kelvinnewman Hi Kelvin. Tried commenting twice on your Edgerank post on econsultancy. But looks like it's being removed?

August 19, 2011 #

kelvinnewman kelvin newman
@grrRAAK what did you want to say? cc @gcharlton

August 19, 2011 #

gerriesmits Gerrie Smits
@kelvinnewman That it was a nice overview. And that edgerankchecker could be a possibly interesting tool for measuring FB success.

August 19, 2011 #

kelvinnewman kelvin newman
@grrRAAK thanks, not entirely convinced by edgerankchecker as edgerank is a score between two people rather than an absolute score

August 19, 2011 #

gerriesmits Gerrie Smits
@kelvinnewman Yep. Do you know if ERC is some average? Got their own algorithm, right? But surely that's not why I couldn't post? ;-)

August 19, 2011 #

ChadWittman Chad Wittman
@kelvinnewman @grrraak we're looking at the compound affect of EdgeRank across the avg user.

August 19, 2011 #

kelvinnewman kelvin newman
@ChadWittman @grrraak is their any factoring of affinity? Must be tough to estimate in aggregate?

August 19, 2011 #

gcharlton gcharlton
@kelvinnewman @grrRAAK hi - approved it now. Fell foul of the spam filter.

August 19, 2011 #

gerriesmits Gerrie Smits
@gcharlton Thanks!

August 19, 2011 #